
Anne's random blogging, anon.

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Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

In solitude we give passionate attention to our lives, to our memories, to the details around us. - Virginia Woolf

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


so im back. back to work, back to calgary.
i took a (very very much deserved) week off from work.
really, its jus a week, u may not jump at the thought cuz yea.. its never enuff. but understand u must, i havent taken any holidays last year. so this, i shd say, is a milestone.
~~so i started my week off by powershopping at holt renfrew with nonetheless, my fave shopping buddy, chris.
luv luv chris to pieces. he's prolly the closest guy friend ive had. and its due to the fact that hes gay. luv him even more wit kelvin.
neways, he bought kelvin the uberfabuluos gucci wallet with a matching money clip for their anniversary/valentine's. oh how we all envy kelvin.
and i got my poorbrokeself some more beauty products. orgasm blush by nars, new nailpolish from chanel, and laura mercier stuff ie. almond cocnut perfume and body scrub (yummmm..and smells divine).
~~next day chris audrey n i met downtown for lunch. then i headed to get some "work" done. it wus painful, and i really am hoping its worth it. can not disclose wut this is about, bcuz i believe that letting people kno, defeats the purpose. sorry to disappoint.
~~wednesay. early morning, i flew down to victoria. i wus expecting it to be more like vancouver. very surprised when i landed cuz it seemed sooo smalltown-ish, but dont get me wrong, its a very very beautiful city, one would be lucky to live there.
i wus right, its very laidback n simple, it has a lot of character tho. 90% of the people i saw were students, they say its so much similar to halifax. ugh. yea the thought still haunts me, no matter/however i escape.
i came to realize how fast paced calgary had become. people i meet from back east say this all the time, and i never really paid that much attention till now. ive also thought of being on my own. id luve to move out soon, and if i do, it will have to be victoria. i dont see the point of doing so, in calgary. its a good idea, so really i dont want to kill it with any unecessary planning (bcuz u kno wut happens when i plan.)
had a great time with my cuzins, spent most of the time talking to ate carol about stuff, life, and everything else in between. yea its good to vent everything out and its equally good to kno that sumone out there shares the same frustrations that u have. so, it wus a good trip all around.
*oh and did i mention that i met this cute dude, haha. no worries cuz it wus nothing.
~~i came back sunday. i felt like i missed work. actually lemme get that straight workfriends. haha.
~~ok lately ive been hormone addled. i cant stop eating. nething in front of me i eat, and yet im at the nearest fastfood in like mach speed. not only that, but everything else associated with hormone outbreak, u name it.
~~i met my brazilian last night, and got some things sated out. for the first time i felt like i missed him. mehh. again, maybe its jus the hormones. met his friends. and he wanted to meet mine. well, i didnt think i wus ready for that.
~~same night. went to hang out wit the gurls at jen mc's place (which is like a couple of blocks away from mine.) and i finally met jen's set up. he's really really cute, blond hair, blue eyes, a body builder, superfunny. wut wus i waiting for all this time??? shes been trying to set us up for 2 or 3 months now! (we all kno the answer to this. my twisted mind had decided to move to halifax. ugh.). we had pizza, played the stupid game cranium, and made drinks that no one actually drank. oooh and he made me his favourite drink **brownie points, its very good by the way. so by the end of the night gurlfriends n i r drunk. bad bad move. cuz if im not mistaken, and as many many resources out there point out, one should never be intoxicated when trying to impress sumone. ive ruined it havent i? gahhhhh.

***ok, due to unusually high levels of im assuming, female hormones. i better stop myself. or i might start blogging the unnecessary. and elaborately explain all the explicit details that im sure u all r dying to hear. so yea, jus to save face, or wutever thats left of it.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

in over my head

they say that the best way to get over a man, is to find another one.
lemme tell u.. it does not fken work.
went on a dinner date with my brazilian last night (yes im still stringing him along,
and yes, he still havent given up), had a great great time (and i actually got to
kno him a lil better). problem wus, i wus thinking about sumbody else,
the entire time.
A lil while ago, ive planned on being in halifax, at this time.
honestly, it hurts that im not.
and it hurts even more to have to be with sumbody else.
(k i borrowed that line from mr ben harper)

So i thought that by finding all these distractions, it'll make this go away.
I worked overtime. Party'ed my sorrows away. Booked my tickets to Victoria.
Went to dates. Agreed to be set up for future dates. Spent every free time at the gym
(thus the strained knee and overworked shoulders.)
But none helps.

i luve me some ben harper.. nothing more then perfect.

Maxwell - This Woman's Work

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